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Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill

Senator Sharon Keogan

I happily support this bill and I also support the recommendations made by AIG to LAMA on this bill. This bill ensures the adherence to the relevant development plan or local area plan is carried over from the 2016 Planning & Development Housing & Residential Tenancy housing Act which establishes the SHD process and brought in the process for LRD's.

Noticeably absent is section 5 subsection 6 of the 2016 Act which allows for the bypassing of this agreement. I don't think it's appropriate to work outside the established development or local area plan. Many of us understand the level of time and effort that goes in to these plans by local councillors to ensure the best outcome for the local area and prospective LRD applicants should be able to work within that framework.

The importance of development planning cannot be overstated. With the recent high court judgement regarding Cork County Council highlighted that such plans are the remit of the locally elected members and not centralised projects of the regulator of the Minister. Councillors are well aware of the need for LRD and would be more than happy to engage constructively with An Bord Pleanala or prospective applicants. Using local knowledge is imperative to ensuring the LRD's are integrated sustainably in to the environment from the perspective of public amenities, cultural spaces and social infrastructures.

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